Reader Viewpoint: Valentino Maximus

By Arnold L. Seligman, Cantonment…
Your recent interview with Mr. Valentino was enlightening (“Buddha and the Godfather“). I didn’t realize that Escambia County had anointed a new emperor, Gene I, the Pompous, to steer the BCC. After all, the Chair of the BCC is not even first among equals as it still takes three to carry the vote.

Obviously, the term “we” is not in his vocabulary as the interview is liberally sprinkled with I, me, my. It is kind of him to offer to take Messrs. Barry and May under his wing and educate them into the ways of the Board (step into my den said the spider to the fly).

Hopefully the two new Board members will look to Mr. Robinson for guidance, or better yet, learn the ropes on their own and make their decisions as to what is best for the county and the district. If not, we can only look to more collard pot capers and another mass housecleaning of the BCC.

By the way, what are the results of Mr. Valentino’s forays overseas–has it attracted business to the area? And, where is the mysterious Top Secret Business Plan Mr. Valentino previously promised to unveil? Will it now become available?
