Rick's Blog

Real issues vs. false ones

The concern of Councilman Marty Donovan over city hall security is another distraction from real issues. It also proves my theory that government always finds money for what it wants.

At the same meeting that Donovan brought the need for more security at city hall, the council had argued over funding its own charter review commission and one councilman was upset over the lack of funding for Meals on Wheels for the elderly.

There is a growing frustration in the community over the size and cost of city government. The public is frustrated seeing government employees receive cushy jobs, automatic raises, huge benefits and even more lucrative retirement plans, while they struggle to pay taxes, buy food and gas, and pay doctor bills. They look in the city employee parking and see BMWs, SUVs and the latest model cars that they will never afford.

So the city’s response to this frustration is to hire guns to protect its workers. Next we will see a wall with barb wire being built around city hall.

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