Real News: Airport may upgrade, Telegram arrest and more

Pensacola International Airport Director Matt Coughlin said the airport is on pace to approach “about three million” passengers this year, a 15% increase. He said the federal security director from Jacksonville is visiting the airport today.

“Because of our growth, they’re looking to change what they categorize us as a Category 1 airport, which is the second largest category they have,” said Coughlin. “With that comes new resourcing and some other requirements on our part, too.”

Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov was arrested this weekend at an airport outside of Paris. ABC News’ Mike Dobuski shared the details.

“French authorities say it’s in connection with illicit and illegal activity that they’ve been investigating on Telegram–everything from drug trafficking to child pornography to money laundering, and a refusal by executives to cooperate with French authorities in that investigation,” Dobuski reported.

What’s interesting here, Rick, is the French authorities are not saying that Durra himself engaged in any of these crimes. They’re not saying that he is a drug trafficker; rather, his platform simply by hosting this content is implicated in these crimes enough to arrest the CEO.”

And the full show: Sena Maddison, Eric Gilmore, Mike Dobuski, Matt Coughlin, Brian Barr, and Jim Ryan.

Photo by Maximilian Hofer on Unsplash


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