Rick's Blog

Real News: Bergosh reflects on past year

On WCOA today, Escambia County Commissioner Jeff Bergosh reflected on his year as board chairman.

Budget Deal with Sheriff Chip Simmons:
“I was proud of the fact that I sat down with Chip Simmons, who’s a great sheriff, and we hammered out a four-year deal, and more importantly, then I got that through the board. It’s costing us a lot of money, but the dividends are already being paid.

“I mean, you hear, he’s fully staffed now, I think morale is at an al-time high over there. So I’m proud of that. Things like that don’t happen without working together as a board and without a chairman that took initiative.”

Pandemic Recovery:
“We moved out of the pandemic. When I took over at the tail end of it, hospitalizations were really high in November of last year. We got through that with our Rescue Plan and our CARES Act funds. We’ve been very strategic on how we’ve spent it.”

Listen to the entire interview:

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