Rick's Blog

Real News: Broadband facts

This weekend, the daily newspaper published a guest viewpoint from Johnny Kampis – “Escambia taking big gamble with government-owned network.” Not only did the viewpoint make several misleading points, the PNJ failed to tell readers the viewpoint was pushed by a PR firm that has AT&T and Florida Power & Light as its clients.

We received the same viewpoint two weeks ago:

On Dec 6, 2021, 2:42 PM -0600, Kristen Grissom <KGrissom@bascomllc.com>, wrote:

You don’t often get email from kgrissom@bascomllc.com. Learn why this is important

Hi Rick,

I just wanted to follow up on the email I sent last week to see if you would be interested in having Johnny Kampis, investigative reporter for the Taxpayers Protection Alliance, on your show to discuss Escambia County commissioners’ recent decision to pay a consulting firm approximately $825,000 in CARES Act funding to look into creating a government-owned broadband network. Government-owned networks have a history of failing and often result in significant waste of taxpayer dollars. The county’s goals to expand broadband can be better achieved through a competitive process that encourages private provider investment in the region and allows theses providers to own the network they ultimately build.

Johnny is available to elaborate further on the troubled history of government-owned networks, and the benefits of instead pursuing a capitalist approach to broadband expansion for governments, taxpayers and network users. If you’d like to schedule an interview, please let me know and I’ll be happy to set something up. Thank you!

Kristen McDonald Grissom
Senior Communications Consultant
Bascom Communications & Consulting, LLC
217 S. Adams St., Tallahassee, FL 32301

Today, Kristen, sent me another email pointing out the Kampis viewpoint appearing in the PNJ. Is the daily newspaper oblivious or just that fixated on bashing the county commission?

Date: Dec 20, 2021, 11:57 AM -0600

To: Kristen Grissom <KGrissom@bascomllc.com>

You don’t often get email from kgrissom@bascomllc.com. Learn why this is important

Hi Rick,

I just wanted to follow up regarding the interview opportunity with Johnny Kampis, investigative reporter for the Taxpayers Protection Alliance, on Escambia County’s decision to pay a consulting firm approximately $825,000 in CARES Act funding to look into creating a government-owned broadband network, to let you know that Johnny penned an op-ed on the issue that the Pensacola News Journal ran over the weekend: https://www.pnj.com/story/opinion/2021/12/19/escambia-county-taking-big-gamble-government-owned-network/6455214001/

I’ve seen the op-ed being circulated by local residents in some Escambia County related Facebook groups I’m in, so I think the community is interested in the issue. Johnny is available to come on your show to elaborate further on the troubled history of government-owned networks, and the benefits of instead pursuing a capitalist approach to broadband expansion for governments, taxpayers and network users. If you’d like to schedule an interview, please let me know and I’ll be happy to set something up. Thank you!

Kristen McDonald Grissom

Senior Communications Consultant

Bascom Communications & Consulting, LLC

217 S. Adams St., Tallahassee, FL 32301

Commissioner Steven Barry came on Real News this morning to set the record straight:


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