Real News: Let’s talk secession

If quality of place is critical to Pensacola’s future, it’s time for the city to secede from the Escambia County School District and create its own school district. A good public education system is vital to the city’s growth.

Escambia County Commissioner Robert Bender shares the beach traffic stats for Memorial Day weekend. Saturday set a new record – 24,522 cars.

Open Books & Prison Book Project and Inweekly have launched a Banned Books Giveawaythat will hand out at this year’s PensaPride festival books removed or restricted by the Escambia County School Board. Donate here.

Escambia County Commissioner Steven Barry discusses how quickly high-speed internet is being installed during Phase 1 on the countywide project.

Founder Stephanie Sheppard shares the many events that Hope Above Fear is involved with in June.

And the full show:

2 thoughts on “Real News: Let’s talk secession

  1. Pam,

    To start the discussion I would get it on the radar of Mayor Reeves. He’s already demonstrated he’s willing to make bold changes and think critically about important issues such as this. Maybe it’s a good idea and maybe it isn’t, but I trust him to give it due diligence in the initial vetting stage. My concern would be how much overhead would then get duplicated with additional bureaucracy. Obviously what we have now is not working with the current board, and unfortunately we could just end up doubling the number of clowns in charge, instead of making things better given the harsh realities of educating children who come from families that do not possess traditional American values.

  2. Rick, the idea of the city creating its own school system makes so much sense. For years important decisions regarding the city schools have been made by individuals who do not represent the beliefs of the city residents. Too many issues have been ignored or glossed over. What is necessary to start the discussion?

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