Rick's Blog

Real News: Tuesday, June 21

Employers increasingly are openly publishing their workers’ compensation in the interest of “salary transparency.” Some studies suggest that opening up the payroll spreadsheets fosters productivity by encouraging lower-paid employees to set personal performance goals based on their co-workers’ salaries. ABC News’ Jim Ryan has more.

Attorney Jack Zoesch discusses the changes recommended for the Pensacola City Charter.

Victor Luna discusses the upcoming Life’s a Dance fundraiser for Junior Achievement.

Dr. Kevin Kovacs brings more than 25 years experience to DSAS. His approach is both future-thinking and creativity-driven. He values arts integration in the classroom, prioritizing students’ differences and ability levels.

Congressional candidate Rebekah Jones is hosting a Solstice Festival at the Monument for Women Veterans, 980 E. Heinberg Street, 6-10 p.m. on Tuesday, June 21.

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