Real News: UWF sets record for applications

University of West Florida President Dr. Martha Saunders spent 10 minutes with me on WCOA.

“This has been a good year for numbers,” said Dr. Saunders. “ I just got word this week that we broke our all-time record. We have 10,000 applicants for our freshman slots, the most we have ever had, and we will close the application process earlier this year just so we can get them all processed.”

She continued, “We had our 100th graduation ceremony and broke ground on the Sandy Sansing Sports Medicine Center.”

The Westside Community Redevelopment Agency will decide whether to purchase the Pensacola Motor Lodge, 2305 West Cervantes Street, for $855,000. Councilwoman Jennifer Brahier talked about the motel.

“First off, you’ve got to know that this particular motel has hundreds of police calls a year,” said Brahier. “The purchase would be twofold. It would clean up something that’s taking a lot of resources from the city, and it would potentially create 30 transitional housing.”

Grace Resendez McCaffery discusses the immigration issue.

And the full show: