Rick's Blog

Real News wins over a WCOA listener

The letter didn’t start positive:

Mr. Outzen: Gotta admit I didn’t know what to make of you when you took over for the greatly beloved “everyone’s grandpa” Don Parker on WCOA in the mornings. He was retired law enforcement and an American patriot.

I didn’t like the “liberal slant” of Inweekly Magazine. I also took umbrage at your “media empire” expanding into your tagline with attitude, “Real News with Rick Outzen…” I wasn’t thrilled with your seeming condescension toward people who declined the various COVID 19 vaccinations.

But then it took an unexpected turn:

I have since come to respect your heart for the underdog, and your caring for your fellow man.

You bring in a huge variety of guests with a broad spectrum of lived experiences. You are also a fearless S.O.B. and tell what you believe to be the truth, regardless of the consequences.

After reading this, a friend sent me this quote from Coach John Wooden:

“You can’t let praise or criticism get to you. It’s a weakness to get caught up in either one.”


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