Red Cross has Hurricane App

As Tropical Storm Isaac heads to the United States, the American Red Cross encourages people to download the new Hurricane App to get instant access to hurricane safety steps and weather alerts for areas in the path of the storm. The free app, launched earlier this month, can be used on both iPhone and Android platforms.

“The Red Cross Hurricane app gives local and real time information for coastal residents and those who might be traveling over the next few days to areas affected by Isaac,” said Jerry Kindle, CEO of the American Red Cross of Northwest Florida. “Remote weather alerts can also help give peace of mind to people who winter near the forecasted storm track and those who have relatives and friends in these coastal areas.”

Once people download the Hurricane App, they have instant access to critical action steps instructing what to do before, during and after hurricanes even without mobile connectivity. Users can monitor personalized weather alerts in locations where family and friends reside and share information with others in their social networks who might also need it.

Features of the app include:
Location-based NOAA weather alerts for the United States and its territories that users can share on social networks;

  •  Remote monitoring of personalized weather alerts where family and friends reside
  • Locations of open Red Cross shelters;
  • Simple steps and checklists people can use to create a family emergency plan;
  • One touch “I’m safe” messaging that allows users to reassure family and friends via social media outlets that they are out of harm’s way;
  •  Preloaded content that gives users instant access to critical action steps, even without mobile connectivity;
  • Toolkit with flashlight, strobe light and audible alarm; and
  • Badges users can earn through interactive quizzes and share on social networks.

With the approach of Tropical Storm Isaac, the Red Cross is moving hundreds of trained disaster workers to Florida and preparing to open dozens of shelters across the state if needed. The Red Cross urges individuals and families to take personal preparedness steps and download the Hurricane App to get ready for the storm now.

The Hurricane App can be found in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store for Android by searching for American Red Cross. National Red Cross experts in health, safety and preparedness have thoroughly reviewed and field tested the information and advice provided in this app.
