Redistricting challenge

While Pensacola shrank and Escambia County only showed a minimal increase, Florida grew from 15.98 million in 2000 to 18.8 million in 2010, enough to reward the state with two new congressional districts — a total of 27.

The population increase means that the “ideal” sized congressional district will grow from 639,000 people to 696,000. The 40 districts in the state Senate will grow in population from 399,000 to 470,000, and the 120 state House seats will expand from 133,000 to 157,000 (about three times the City of Pensacola’s population).

There will be more votes outside of Escambia County than inside ifor our congressional district. A strong Santa Rosa/Okaloosa candidate can defeat an Escambia one. Whoever wins the seat after Jeff Miller must appeal to those two counties.

Escambia County: 2010: 297,619 2000: 294,410
Santa Rosa: 2010: 151,372 2000: 117,743
Okaloosa: 2010: 180,822 2000: 170,497
Walton: 2010: 55,043 2000: 40,602
