Reporter asks: Are BP executives from outer space?

Tom McLaughlin of the Daily News writes on his blog about how BP’s Bryant Chapman handled the town hall meetings in Okaloosa and Walton counties.

If it weren’t so sad, it would be highly amusing watching BP executives in action.

For example, at a meeting in Okaloosa County, BP vice president Bryant Chapman, toting the company line, looked out at a group of Northwest Florida officials and a smattering of gathered media and made the statement “We’ve said we’re going to make this right.”

Okaloosa County Commission Chairman Wayne Harris shot back “Can we get that in writing?”

Chapman’s response:

“We’ve said it.”


Walton County Sheriff Mike Adkinson asked Chapman if he could get an assurance that, in the event he gets tar balls on his beaches and there isn’t any BP crew around to pick it up, BP would be willing to pick up the tab when Adkinson sends out his public works people without going through “proper channels.”

Chapman nodded his head in the fashion universally known to mean yes. Then he said … “No.”
