Rick's Blog

Republican Liberty Caucus endorses Rebekah Johansen-Bydlak for Congress

The National Board of the Republican Liberty Caucus voted to endorse Rebekah Johansen-Bydlak in her race for the U.S. House of Representatives in Florida’s 1st Congressional District.

In the press release, RLC Chairman Matt Nye said, “Rebekah stands out in a crowded field. Not only because she would be the youngest member of Congress if elected, but because her commitment to and love of liberty is transparent. She is part of the next generation of leaders for whom this country has been waiting, and we’re proud to endorse her.”

Johansen-Bydlak, 25, was born and raised near Pensacola, where she was homeschooled. She graduated from the University of West Florida with a Masters in Political Science and Public Administration. During her time as a student, she was Chairwoman of the Young Americans for Liberty Florida. As a teen, Rebekah and her twin Mary Anne were known for their viral YouTube videos as “The Ron Paul Twins”. Since 2013, she has served as Outreach Director for the non-profit Coalition to Reduce Spending. She and her husband Jonathan married in 2015.

“I am thrilled to be endorsed by the Republican Liberty Caucus. I have long admired the vital work the RLC does in identifying constitutional candidates at all levels, and I am honored to be included among this group. In Congress, RLC members can count on my strong and continued advocacy for the cause of individual liberty, constitutional governance, and economic freedom.” said Johansen-Bydlak.

About the RLC
The Republican Liberty Caucus is a 527 voluntary grassroots membership organization dedicated to working within the Republican Party to advance the principles of individual rights, limited government and free markets. Founded in Florida in 1991, it is the oldest continuously-operating organization within the Liberty Republican movement.

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