Rhett Anderson to run for council

Subj: Letter of Resignation and Opinion Letter for Office of City Council District 4

To: Mr. John Fogg, Mayor
Mr. Tom Bonfield, City Manager
Ms. Crystal Spencer, Chairperson, City Charter Review Committee

Re: City Charter Review Committee
Alternate Position Resignation

Lady and Gentlemen:

By this letter, I hereby submit my resignation as an Alternate Member of the City Charter Review Committee, effective this date, March 5, 2008.
It has been an honor working with the CRC, and I have truly admired their dedication and commitment. I truly look forward to their “final result,” as I know they are committed to our community.
Thank you very much for your understanding

W. Rhette Anderson, Alternate Member

Letter to the Editor


What a great slogan developed by the Pensacola Chamber! It is simple, positive, and accurate as the Time Is Now! Our Community and Region must respond to the positive events occurring – the Maritime Park — the proposed Technology Park — the Beach preparation for the new season of tourists and our families! Added to that are the many activities in Santa Rosa, Walton, Okaloosa, Baldwin and Mobile Counties. It is time we all prepared for the development activities, the economic benefits, the environmental opportunities. Working together, we certainly can make our good things, greater, and our bad things, better!

Other exciting developments are the job creations by the “tanker” contract achieved by our neighbors, and (although I may not agree with the location) the expansion of our regional airport terminal – both will bring million of dollars to our area and many, many jobs! Yes, our future is bright, and will be brighter with continued planning and joint efforts of all!

For the above reasons, I am excited! I have a strong desire to help! I want to be involved, so I have decided to return to politics, to be a stronger voice in our regional development! Therefore, on Wednesday, March 5, 2007, I filed for the office of City Councilman, District Four (4),Pensacola. I ask that each of you join with me as we effectively plan for our future, our children and grandchildren’s future, and the future of our growing population! Your effort can be political, social, or simply, hardworking efforts to achieve your own goals for the future! Just join in to make Louis Armstrong’s musical refrain a true statement, “What a Wonderful World…”

Thank you for your consideration, and, again, borrowing the words of the Chamber – The Time is Now! Set your sights on what YOU want to achieve, and let us join TOGETHER for the betterment of OUR community and region! The Future is Here!

W. Rhette Anderson
3985 Piedmont Rd.
Pensacola, Fl. 32503
(850) 433 5927
