Ricks Blog: Most Influential Political Blog

Once again, this blog has been ranked the Most Influential Political Blog in Florida by Blognetnews.com. This is truly a surprise.

Last month we established more defined rules for commentary on this blog. We set up a feature where people could suggest moderation for offending posts. We were more aggressive in moderation and began cutting off posters who resorted to personal attacks rather than meaningful dialogue.

Everyone told me that it be the end for this blog…that my traffic would fall off and that I would be driving visitors to the News Journal’s website that allows just about any comment (unless it’s about them).

Instead, we had the busiest week for the blog since I started it in June 2006: 49,911 visitors. For the month of February, we are averaging over 6022 visitors a day.

What is even more surprising is that this blog is just me. The other top blogs are part of larger political and news organizations:
March On Politics (Tampa Tribune); Blast Off! (Brevard County, National Progressive site with its own internet radio broadcast); Florida Progressive Coalition (Statewide political blog tied to Democratic Party); The Buzz (St. Pete Times).

There is no way I can beat out these bigger blogs every week. They have teams of writers that are all over the state. This blog is me at a computer musing on what I see happening around me, sometimes at 4:39 a.m.

I’m happy to be in the top 20.
