Rick's Blog

Robinson seeks resolution on DJJ costs

grover robinson
The Florida Department of Juvenile Justice owes Escambia County $6.6 million because it overcharged the county for juvenile detention costs. As FAC president, Escambia County Commissioner Grover Robinson has been working to get some resolution on the issue.

He mailed this letter to State Senator Rob Bradley, who chairs the Senate Regulated Industries Committee, with a good faith check to DJJ for $236,089.20:

The Honorable Rob Bradley
208 Senate Office Building
404 S. Monroe St.
Tallahassee, Florida 32399

Re: Escambia County Juvenile Detention Costs

Dear Senator Bradley:

Given our differences in perspective, we can certainly agree on one thing: the bureaucracy and red tape involved in the juvenile detention cost share issue between the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) and counties has gone on too long. It is my understanding that the issue of juvenile detention cost-share and the decision by some counties to make partial or no payment toward their monthly invoice was discussed in Senate Civil and Criminal Justice Appropriations last week. As one of those counties, I wanted to explain why Escambia County felt it had no other recourse but to withhold payment.

During the ten years of the shared county detention cost- share arrangement, not one bill delivered to a county has been accurate. This is due to the fact that the law requires DJJ to bill counties based on estimated, not actual costs. This billing model necessitates an annual reconciliation process which results in the issuance of large credits and debits. If it is determined that a county overpaid their portion of actual costs, DJJ has historically issued a credit toward the county’s next invoice.

However, DJJ has stopped offering such credits. They have stopped issuing credits even though there is no dispute that for a period of 5 years (FY09-10/FY12-13) Escambia County was overbilled by DJJ for detention costs. Based on DJJ’s own calculations, the overpayments total as much as $7.8 million. As stewards of taxpayer dollars, this placed Escambia County in a terrible dilemma – do we continue to pay what we believe is more than owed and risk not receiving credit toward our overpayments or do we put what we believe to be the correct amount in escrow until this problem could be solved?

For these reasons, I hope you can understand the source of our frustration and concern regarding the status of the DJJ cost -share relationship. In truth, I couldn’t agree with you more that the state and counties should be partners working together to solve this problem, not on opposing benches in court. So it is in that spirit, that Escambia County is immediately remitting payment to DJJ for $236,089.20. This figure brings the total amount submitted in FY14-15 to $1,024,462.40 which is similar to the amount Escambia County paid for detention in FY13-14 and one we believe more accurately reflects our actual costs.

While neither of us were in office when this cost-share relationship model was enacted, both of us are now in a position where we can do what we hoped when we were elected – eliminate unnecessary
bureaucracy and create a more efficient government. We look forward to your leadership this year in
developing a more simplified, streamlined and equitable cost-share relationship.

Thank you for taking this issue on. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at
(850) 554-2178 or district4@myescambia.com.


Grover C. Robinson, IV
Escambia County Commissioner
President, Florida Association of Counties

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