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RPOF sets ‘Sunshine Summit’ for November

The Republican Party of Florida will hold a “Sunshine Summit” in November along with an annual fundraising dinner, the party announced Tuesday. Holding the summit — which will feature remarks by GOP presidential candidates — in November allows the party to avoid a conflict with a redistricting special session that will be held this autumn.

Some or all lawmakers might not have been able to attend a fundraising event during the session because of legislative rules. Instead, the party will hold its Statesman’s Dinner on Nov. 12, with former Vice President Dick Cheney speaking. The following two days, presidential candidates will address the state’s Republicans.

Florida will be a major trove of delegates in the GOP primary and will be the largest swing state up for grabs in the 2016 presidential election.

“The Sunshine Summit is a unique opportunity and event where presidential candidates will share their vision for the nation with the more than 2,500 expected activists and grassroots leaders in one-of-(the)-most influential primary and general election swing states,” party Chairman Blaise Ingoglia said in a statement announcing the event.

The summit essentially replaces the party’s past “Presidency” events, which included straw polls. The straw poll, which has been discontinued, was won four years ago by businessman Herman Cain, who would ultimately drop out of the presidential race before the first votes were cast.

source: The News Service of Florida

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