Rubio: Trump’s style is ‘what people voted for’

Yesterday, Sen. Marco Rubio appeared on “Meet the Press with Chuck Todd” and addressed President Donald Trump’s recent tweets alleging wiretapping.

On Friday, Rubio traveled on Air Force One with the President. Early the next morning, Trump tweeted that that his predecessor had illegally wiretapped his phones in 2016.

Rubio said the President didn’t not mention the allegation on the plane flight.

“I’ve never heard that before,” he told Todd. “And I have no evidence or no one’s ever presented anything to me that indicates anything like that.”

Todd asked the senator, who serves on the Senate Intelligence Committee, if his committee would have been aware of any wiretap on Donald Trump’s campaign.

“I’ve never seen anything about that anywhere before. But again, the president put that out there, and now the White House will have to answer as to exactly what he was referring to,” said Rubio

He was curious to see what evidence the White House lays out in this week to support the allegation.

“I have no basis to say that. If the president or the White House does, then they’re going to lay that out over the next few days, and we’re all going to be very interested to see just exactly what it is they were talking about.

When Todd asked if the public can Trump at his word, Rubio said that, in many ways, the President is doing exactly what he told people he was going to do, and the polls reflect that sentiment.

“And that’s what I think people are mostly focused on. Is the President’s style different than mine? Absolutely. Is he an unorthodox political figure? Absolutely. But I’ve got to tell you, that’s what people voted for. That’s what they wanted in this election.”

The senator dodged the question whether Trump.

“Well, no one is saying that,” said Rubio. “But I am saying to you that the president has a unique style of communicating that is different from the way I would do it. And he won. He was elected.”