Saenger Theatre Goes Green

In the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day (not to mention Earth Day next month), The Saenger Theatre is changing over 400 marquee light bulbs from 15-watt tungsten bulbs to 2-watt LED lamps. What may seem like a small step will actually reduce kilowatt usage from approximately 42,000 kilowatts to 5,600. Going green will also save green since the LED lamps are expected to last 50,000 hours as opposed to the tungsten bulbs, which only last 5,000 hours.

“Replacing these bulbs just made too much sense.” says Wesley Odom, President of Friends of the Saenger. “Not only will the Saenger save electricity, but the annual savings will be used to hold down lease rates for community non-profits that regularly use the Saenger. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.”

The new LED bulbs cost $5000. The purchase was made possible with donations from Friends of the Saenger. Odom said that with future contributions, Friends of the Saenger plans to replace all of the incandescent bulbs inside the theatre as well.

For more information about Saenger, visit
