Rick's Blog

San Antonio papers pick up airport hotel lease audit

News of the audit report on the Airport Hotel Lease has reached San Antonio and the new bosses of former Pensacola Airport director Frank Miller. Miller now heads the San Antonio International Airport.

The San Antonio Express-News gave San Antonio Assistant City Manager Penny Postoak-Ferguson a copy of the audit on Friday.

City Manager Sheryl Sculley told the paper, “I wish I had known about it, but I didn’t know about it, but I haven’t read it, so I’m not commenting that I think it’s wrong or bad. I don’t know.”

Miller told the paper, “I think what (the audit) says is that it questioned the process that the city of Pensacola had at that time. It suggested that the city review its policies. At no time did it ever really question the business deal.”

Read the article.

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