Rick's Blog

Scott appoints Lt. Governor

Governor Rick Scott has appointed former Representative Carlos Lopez-Cantera as his Lieutenant Governor.

The Florida Chamber of Commerce was to congratulate him.

“Our experience with former Representative Lopez-Cantera is that he always put families, children, small businesses and job creation ahead of powerful special interests groups,” said Mark Wilson, President and CEO of the Florida Chamber of Commerce. “His support for improving Florida’s business climate through improvements to our state’s education system and by supporting lawsuit abuse reform has helped position Florida as a leader in job creation and economic growth.”

Lopez-Cantera earned an average 97-A on the Florida Chamber’s Legislative Report Card for his pro-jobs, pro-Florida commitment during his 2004 – 2012 term as a member of the Florida House of Representatives.

“Carlos Lopez-Cantera is the right leader to stand side-by-side with Governor Scott and to continue strengthening our state’s economy through job creation,” said David Hart, Executive Vice President of the Florida Chamber. “He has been a passionate leader in support of creating a business climate in Florida that is second to none, and he’s committed to making gobs, growth and opportunity Florida’s number one agenda.”

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