Scott breaks own approval rating record

Florida Gov. Rick Scott is the least popular governor in the country. According Public Policy Polling, his popularity rating has sunk to a new low – 26 percent.His greatest fall has been with his own party, where he is down 22 points since June.

If Scott were faced with 2010 opponent Alex Sink in a hypothetical do-over today, he would fall by 16 points (53-37), versus 11 points two months ago. Even worse, if Scott’s predecessor Charlie Crist, formerly a Republican and now an independent, were to run against him as a Democrat in three years, Crist would wipe the floor with the incumbent, 55-32, up ten points from two months ago. Crist would get a quarter of the GOP vote and post a 20-point lead with independents. Even Sink would take 21% of the GOP and lead by 12 with independents. In the actual election, Sink got half that much Republican support and lost by eight points with independents, according to exit polls.

Maybe the DVD release of the last Harry Potter movie will help him.
