Scott for President 2012

I know it sounds far-fetched but Adam Smith of the St. Pete Times makes a good argument that Florida Gov. Rick Scott could make a strong run for the Republican nomination. The Tea Party will dominate the Republican primaries, which means electable candidates like Mitt Romney or Tim Pawlenty don’t have a chance. Jeb Bush and NJ Gov. Chris Christie who appeal to both wackos and moderates can’t be talked into running.

That leaves the novice governors–Mitch Daniels (Ohio), Scott Walker (Wisconsin) and Rick Scott. Daniels is going after Planned Parenthood, Walker is fresh off his union battles and Scott is getting high marks from his base for cutting corporate taxes, battling unions, slashing regulations and refusing federal money for the high-speed rail. Scott appears to be the frontrunner out of this trio.

Plus the last Harry Potter movie is coming out this summer and his picture will be everywhere.

Read Smith’s column.