Scott: ‘We will win this economic war”

Gov. Rick Scott visited Pensacola yesterday. He spoke at The Fish House to the board of the Pensacola Bay Area Chamber of Commerce, area elected officials and other supporters in the business community.

His message was direct. “We will this economic war we’re in.”

Scott announced a projected $1.2 billion surplus for the current fiscal year that started July 1. He said the Florida is second only to Texas in job growth. He was proud of the reduction of regulations and the elimination of the business tax.

“Everybody knows that they are competing with Florida,” said Scott. “We are going to compete. We have every reason to win.”

The governor talked about his efforts to recruit businesses to move to Florida and his conversations with Gov. Rick Perry of Texas and other governors. “States that do the right thing will lead.”

When he talks to corporations, Scott asks then what fee, tax or regulation does the state have that doesn’t make sense. “Businesses are frustrated by regulations and frivolous litigation. They can go somewhere else.”

Scott appealed to the leaders in the room to build on the relationships that they have with businesses outside the state. “I want any ideas you have,” said the governor. “I have no problems making cold calls.”

He said that he has told Gov. Perry that Florida is going to win. “More people want to live in Florida than Texas.”

Scott reiterated to group his commitment to create 700,000 jobs in seven years. “We’re all serious about jobs.”

He believes that the winner of 2012 presidential election will the candidate who has a
“blueprint for jobs.”

He pledged to build the best infrastructure and best transportation system to attract businesses and that the state government will become more user friendly for businesses.

“If we lose, it’s our fault.”
