Scott’s depos sealed

GOP candidate for governor, Rick Scott, has had more than his share of lawsuits and government investigations over the past 15 years—medicare fraud, discrimination and, this year, filing false medical licensing information with the state.

The Orlando Sentinel reports that Scott, who looks like the lead singer of Midnight Oil, been able to keep the depositions of his latest lawsuit sealed: “Just six days before Rick Scott announced his bid for governor, he was deposed in a case that alleged his health-care company Solantic had broken Florida law by filing false medical licensing information with the state.

But what Scott said April 7 might never be known to the public.

Within a month, Solantic settled the 2-year-old case and signed a confidentiality agreement with Dr. P. Mark Glencross, who claimed his medical license was misused by the Jacksonville-based chain of walk-in clinics. The state has no current or former investigations into Solantic over the licensing issue.”

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