Sen. Gaetz blasted for lynching metaphor

Representative Mia Jones (D-Jacksonville), chair of the Florida Legislative Black Caucus, issued the following statement:

“Today, the 24 Members of the Florida Legislative Black Caucus partnered with the NAACP in a Unity March and Rally aimed at calling attention to the ongoing voter suppression directed at minority voters. We were joined by the Madison 9, citizens who had armed law enforcement officers storm into their homes with guns drawn to arrest them for their absentee ballot program. And now, Senator Don Gaetz, redistricting chair for the Florida Senate, responded to the redistricting legal challenge by stating to reporters: “My father used to say, `Some people would complain if you hung them with a new rope.’

“Senator Gaetz’ use of such highly charged and disturbing language has absolutely no place in this important discussion about the future of Florida. His remarks are extremely inappropriate. But in spite of his comments, I urge my colleagues in the Legislature and all Floridians to take the high road. I believe it is important that we continue to elevate the public discourse as we seek a fair and just system that protects the voting rights of all.”
