Senate District 2 race heats up

According to the Daily News, state Sen. Don Gaetz (R-Niceville) will soon to endorse state Rep. Greg Evers (R-Baker) as his choice to succeed Durell Peaden, who terms out of office in 2010. Evers is running in the Republican primary against state Rep. Dave Murzin (R-Pensacola) and State Farm agent Mike Hill.

The Emerald Coast Tea Party Patriots are happy about Gaetz’s endorsement. I got this email from Geoff Ross, the group’s president:

It’s amazing how the local GOP is considering endorsing Greg Evers for Senate Dist 2. What has Mr. Evers done for Florida and his district at this juncture is his career politician resume?

He won’t support the 10th Amendment, he won’t support the bill submitted for gun rights in our state. He is never in his Milton office to address his so called constituency’s issues and concerns.

What has Greg Evers done to help the fishermen losing their jobs to the Federal assualt on their fishing rights in his district ? What has he done for his district to ensure our politicians follow the Constitution.

Has Greg Evers challenged Charlie Crist’s left wing, socialist attack on Floridians wallets and personal freedoms. ? We are all ears.

The GOP is endorsing the same old non achieving, non producing, poke in the eye Charlie Crist policies.

What has Greg Evers done for Florida in 8 years? Send me a list.

I am endorsing Mike Hill for Senate District 2. He is a fiscal conservative, he supports the 10th Amendment, he supports state gun rights, he supports the legislation sitting in the Florida house. He supports less government and less taxes. He is a retired military officer with experience managing people, and resources. A proven leader and a FISCAL CONSERVATIVE. I trust him with the tax payer money.

A vote for Mike Hill is a vote for freedom and less taxes. A vote for Greg Evers is a wasted vote.

If you want your freedoms returned. If you want to keep more of your hard earned money, currently being fleeced by the Obama- Crist government then vote for Mike Hill. Sorry Greg, you are part of the same old GOP failures and lack of leadership hurting the state and the country.
