Senior Follies Award Local Organizations

The Pensacola Senior Follies have been entertaining groups both young and old for 16 years, but their contribution to the community goes beyond dance steps and sparkly outfits.

“What we do, what we have done is donate all the money we make over and above our costs,” said Vice President Carolynn Turk.

“No one in the follies gets paid,” added Jan Harnish. “But we love it.”

When choosing organizations to donate to, the Senior Follies chose to award those groups and charities that benefit the senior community.

“We’ve been losing some of our members,” Harnish said.

“It comes with the territory,” said Turk.

Is it because seniors are often forgotten about?

“Absolutely forgotten,” Turk said.

“It’s about giving back to the seniors,” said Sue Loveless.

Last night at the Lee House the Senior Follies and friends were able to present checks to the Council on Aging, Exchange Park, Sacred Heart’s “Camp Bluebird,” the nation’s first senior camp for cancer patients, Bayview Senior Center, Felix Mega Center, Pensacola State College, which manages the Follies Scholarship fund for seniors, and A.R.C.

Mayor Ashton Hayward was there to present the checks. No oversized flashy checks, just simple white envelopes.

“It’s really a joy to be here,” he said. “The seniors in my life have given me so much great advice and wisdom.”

Mayor Hayward noted all the good work the Senior Follies do to support the senior community, but notes the rest of the city could do their part too.

“I don’t think we do enough,” he said.

Be sure to support the Senior Follies when their season begins in March. Ticket sales are used wisely.
