Rick's Blog

Sink will not seek rematch against Jolly

Alex Sink, who lost this past March a special election for U.S. House District 13, sent this email to her supporters:

I have made a very personal decision not to run for the 13th Congressional District seat in the 2014 election.

I am honored and humbled by the outpouring of support our campaign received — and that I continue to receive — from those who voted, volunteered and donated to our campaign. We can all be proud of the strong campaign that we ran.

In the words of Bill, I look forward to continuing to do good. I remain totally convinced that a Democrat can and will win this Congressional seat in the fall and I look forward to helping the Democratic nominee.

And while I will not seek election this November, we should continue our dialogue so that we can work together to promote problem solving and support policies to improve the quality of life for all Floridians. I plan to resume my work highlighting the building of a new “Innovation Economy” for our State.

Thank you for all that you do to make your communities better places to work and live.


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