Small businesses are suffering, support locals

The aftermath of the BP disaster are being felt through the community. Small businesses that depend on strong tourism seasons to carry them through these months are hurting. Real people, real businesses are on the brink of collapse. There is no credit available. BP claims process is moving a snail’s pace. And the lack of money is rippling through the retail and restaurant industry.

Some like Jerry’s Cajun Cafe have turned to Facebook to ask for long-time supporters to help:

“Due to the horrible economic conditions these last few years, the B.P. oil spill of last summer, & other issues beyond my control, I am about to lose my dream, my Spiritual Mission, my passion & my many loyal & dear friends, I, like many other businesses in Pensacola, have been hit hard by the recession. I can only thank all of you who frequent Jerry’s & ask those who have not dined with us lately, to come & patronize the place of employment for myself & 35 incredible young individuals. I pray to God to give me the strength & wisdom to overcome these obstacles. And I also ask for your prayers. Please come “pass a good time” & be one of God’s Angels & help to continue my dream. I feel God provided me with this business to feed not only the body, but more importantly, the heart & soul. Thank you & God Bless – Jerry”

We have to support the locals or we will become nothing but chain stores and WalMarts. Restaurants like Jerry’s give this city its flavor and character. Please consider them and other locally-owned eateries when you eat lunch or dinner.

I do have a selfish motive, because we’re locally owned, too. These local businesses are our advertising base. We only do well if they do well. We aren’t part of a large conglomerate like the PNJ. We live, die, celebrate and cry with this community.
