Sour milk

If you have a pitcher of sour milk, no matter how many glasses or how small the servings, every glass will contain sour milk. We can not expect better results from our city government, if we continually elect the same people. It will only be more of the same.

We have to change the cast of characters on the city council, if we want to push this city ahead.

Mike DeSorbo – elected 1986;John Fogg – elected 1989: City population 1990: 56,255 — Projected 2010 population: 52,052; Loss by 2010: 4,203 people

Jack Nobles, Mike Wiggins – elected 1994. City population 1997: 60,591; Loss by 2010: 8,539

Marty Donovan, John Jerralds – elected 2000 (Jerralds appointed) . City Population: 60,865 Loss by 2010:8,813

Ron Townsend – elected 2002. City Population: 56,271; Loss by 2010:4,219.

Jewel Cannada-Wynn, PC Wu – elected 2004. City Population: 56,366; Loss by 2010:4,314

Sam Hall – elected 2006. City Population: 55,033; Loss by 2010:2,981.

These stats are from the City’s own approved budget. People are leaving the city in droves, especially the young and middle class. What’s left are the rich and the very poor.
