Rick's Blog

Southern States’ Attorney Generals meet in Mobile

This afternoon Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum attended a meeting of the Attorneys General of the five states bordering the Gulf of Mexico today in Mobile, Alabama. Also attending were Attorneys General Troy King of Alabama, Greg Abbot of Texas, James “Buddy” Caldwell of Louisiana, and Jim Hood of Mississippi.

I just got off the phone with Sandi Copes, McCollum’s communication director. She said the Attorneys General discussed legal options,
strategies, and preparations for the protection of their respective states resulting from the BP Deepwater Horizon well oil spill and toured local Coast Guard facilities.

There was no official announcement from the quintet after the meeting, but Copes that one may be issued by Attorney General Bill McCollum within the next few days once the actual impact of the oil spill on Florida’s shores is seen. McCollum will be holding a press conference at the state EOC in Tallahassee tomorrow morning.

Meanwhile, State CFO Alex Sink will be in Pensacola tomorrow morning.

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