Special City Council Meeting Cancelled

With an approaching tropical storm—or, perhaps hurricane—in the Gulf, today’s special meeting of the Pensacola City Council has been cancelled. The meeting was called off  about an hour prior to its 1:15 p.m. start time.

The council was scheduled to take up two issues: it’s search for a council executive and a contract extension for a disaster debris recovery.

The city council was to consider extending a disaster debris contract with D&J Enterprises, Inc., out of Auburn, Ala. The company collects and processes debris following a natural disaster.

The city entered into a contract with the debris recovery outfit in 2006, but it expired at the end of this past May.

“Because of the possibility of an approaching storm, we are requesting that council approve an extension of the D&J contract until such time as another vendor is selected,” states a recommendation from the mayor’s office. “Should D&J services be required, this extension would allow D&J to complete any cleanup with pricing and services consistent with the terms of the original 2006 contract.”
