Spencer Releases Council Goals

Yesterday, Pensacola City Council candidate Brian Spencer released a list of goals for Dist. 6. Spencer said in a press release “the plan came about from weeks of knocking on doors, visiting with residents of the district, and viewing first-hand some of the problems that citizens face in the center of the city.”

Economic Development

✴ Seek Federal, State and Foundation grants to improve our cityʼs entryways and business

corridors, such as Cervantes, Belmont, and Devilliers

✴ Offer incentives to businesses that want to open and revitalize neighborhoods

✴ Reduce city red tape and licensing procedures

✴ Ensure local businesses earn consideration for city contracts for construction and services

Livable City

✴ Develop tougher standards and incentives on developers to include true affordable living

options in new developments

✴ Create incentives for developers to incorporate pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods

✴ Install traffic calming systems in neighborhoods, such as roundabouts and speed bumps

✴ Add lighting and provide shade for sidewalks and streets to beautify them and to make them


Citizen Input

✴ Host and organize twelve District 6 neighborhood walking tours per year, which will include

at least two city employees, to determine where neighborhood improvements are needed

✴ Convene quarterly Town Hall meetings with the residents of District 6 to hear their ideas and


Public Safety

✴ Support all public safety departments by ensuring they are properly funded and staffed to

meet or exceed national certification and safety standards

✴ Fund youth development and education programs run by non-profits, private groups,

churches, schools or the city
