Rick's Blog

Spencer tackles Magnolia Cemetery

Councilman Brian Spencer posted this report on his clean-up of Magnolia Cemetery:

Progress continues to be made at a District 6 landmark, Magnolia Cemetery, located on “A” Street within the center of our city. The history of stewardship associated with this cemetery spans several decades, including previous efforts led by volunteer groups in the 1990′s and beyond 2000. However, the diminishing number of direct descendants combined with ambiguous property ownership fosters a “it’s not my problem” dilemma for the neglected inner city cemetery.

After being contacted, I visited Magnolia Cemetery Feb. 3rd and observed the deteriorating condition. In addition to being an eyesore in the middle of a residential neighborhood, the cemetery contained numerous graves that do not properly contain and fully encapsulate burial remains. Ellison Bennett, Raymond Reese, and local archeaoalogist, Margo Stringfield, addressed the most immediate concerns for grave stabilization. (However, these efforts are temporary and require a $6,000+ expenditure to permanently resolve).

Almost 10 days later, on the morning of February 13th, a team of volunteers arrived at the cemetery to resume the stabilization and clean-up effort … combine 15 shovels & rakes, 2 weed eaters, 2 lawn mowers, 48 trash bags with 20 Marines, 8 adult civilians, 4 teenagers, plus 1 council representative, and some impressive progress can occur! In addition to my Toro weed eater owner-buddy, Wes Reeder, Pensacola owes a huge thank you to Captain Troy E. Mitchell, Commanding Officer Marine Corps Detachment, Robbin Alexander, Director of Operations for Associate Marine Institute of Pensacola, and Southern Christian Leadership Conference member, Ellison Bennett.

You are invited to participate in the upcoming volunteer clean-up at Magnolia Cemetery (northwest corner of “A” Street and W. Brainard), scheduled to begin 9am, Saturday morning, Feb. 19th. Permanent repairs and maintenance programs will be announced soon.

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