Rick's Blog

St. Pete Poll: White leads Moody, 26-19

The latest poll by St. Pete Polls for the Attorney General GOP primary has State Rep. Frank White of Pensacola leading Circuit Judge Ashley Moody of Tampa by 4.6 percentage points, 26%-19.4%, with 54.5 percent undecided.

Florida Politics credits the lead to White’s television ads that have been running around the state for a month and conservative State Rep. Jay Fant dropping out of the race.

A St. Pete Polls’ survey of 1,056 GOP voters in early June had Moody ahead with 14.9 percent, followed by White with 13.7 percent and Fant with 10.2 percent. Over 61 percent were undecided.

In May, Inweekly had Political Matrix conduct a statewide poll. Moody led with 11.2 percent followed by Fant with 8.5 percent, Ross Spano with 8.1 percent and White with 7.3 percent. The remaining 64.9 percent either had no idea of who any of the candidates were and were undecided. Fant dropped out of the race on June 19.

St. Pete St. Pete Inweekly
7/10/18 6/10/18 5/21/18
Frank White 26.0% 13.7% 7.3%
Ashley Moody 19.4% 14.9% 11.2%
Jay Fant 10.2% 8.5%
Ross Spano 8.1%
Undecided 54.5% 61.1% 64.9%
of Error 2.6% 3.0% 3.5%


The July telephone poll by St. Pete Polls was of 1,387 likely Florida Republican primary voters and conducted from July 10-11. The results were then weighted to account for proportional differences between the respondents’ demographics and the demographics of the active Republican primary voter population for the state of Florida. The weighting demographics used were: race, age, gender and media market. The voters polled were chosen at random within the registered Republican voter population within the state of Florida. Voters who said they were not planning to vote were excluded from the results below. The scientific results shown for the questions below have a sample size of 1,387 and a 2.6% Margin of Error at a 95% confidence level.




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