State broke promise to 2011 high school grads

When Class of 2011 entered kindergarten in 1998, their parents were told if their children studied hard, made good grades, did well on the SAT or ACT tests and performed public service, their kids would have their college tuition to any public Florida college paid through the Bright Futures program.

Over the years, Bright Futures was the carrot that helped motivate the kids. The best and brightest would have their tuition paid. When they saw a Florida Lottery sign, they were told the money raised from those sales would pay for their college. They watched their older brothers and sisters go off to Florida State, UF, Central Florida and South Florida–all getting free rides based on their scholastic achievements.

The 2011 Legislature broke that promise. Giving this year’s high school graduates shots to the head and gut–cutting Bright Futures and raising college tuition. There was no grace period for the cuts and increases to be implemented, not grandfather clause. Students and their parents are scrambling to cover the shortfalls. No apologies were made either. In fact, state officials are congratulating themselves for the great job that they did.

What happened to the importance of an educated workforce? Or keeping our talent in this state? Why do businesses get long extensions before the implementation of onerous laws and grandfather clauses, but our children get none?

The lawmakers took care of the fertilizer companies, gun manufacturers and others. Kids don’t make big campaign contributions so they are the ones who have to take the hits.

….but the Class of 2011 will be eligible to vote next year.
