Rick's Blog

State ready to audit bed tax records

It has taken over a year, but the State Auditor General is ready to audit the Tourist Development Tax records of Escambia County Clerk Pam Childers and the county. Former County Administrator Janice Gilley and Childers – quietly called “Laverne & Shirley” by courthouse insiders – fought the independent audit. Childers even threatened Pensacola Visit officials that the audit would harm their operations, apparently an attempt to discourage the Tourist Development Commission from looking at her books.

Today Childers and Commission Chair Jeff Bergosh received a letter from audit manager Derek Noonan CPA that outlines the objectives of the audit and the responsibilities of Childers and county officials. A teleconference was done today at 10 a.m. to go over the audit and the auditor’s requirements when they arrive onsite.

Read Auditor General Letter to BOCC and COC.

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