Strong mayor issue surfaces


A group led by John Peacock and Jim Schmitz is making the media rounds today- PNJ, WEAR TV3 and IN – to discuss the Pensacola City Council passing a resolution for a vote (yes, another referendum) to establish a strong mayor form of government.

Peacock, Schmitz and friends have met for the past year and done research on the topic. We wrote about it in June 2004 (Strong Mayor Required). Many of the more successful cities in the South have a mayors with the power to make things happen – operating like CEO’s. Joe Riley and Charleston, SC is the best example.
According to Peacock:

A strong mayor system will promote responsibility and accountability which will encourage and demand leadership and vision. A Strong Mayor would develop a comprehensive and strategic vision/platform; run on that platform; operate the city on that platform; and ultimately be judged by the voters on his/her success in completing that platform.

It will take 6 votes on the City Council to get a public vote on the issue sometime next year.
