Student death at Tate High is reporting that freshman Gabe Carter (age 15), reportedly began experiencing a seizure in a classroom and collapsed. The freshman was transported from the school by LifeFlight to West Florida Hospital where he was pronounced dead.

When Carter collapsed, the school was placed into lockdown. Principal Shackle met the family at the ER. The student’s parents posted a loving tribute to their son in the comment section under the NorthEscambia post and expressed their appreciation of the principal being there.

There is a back story that about this was handled and more than few complaining emails have been received. Several state that Carter had asked his 3rd period teacher to go to the school clinic and she refused to let him go. From one email: “Several students witnessed Gabriel crying and asking the teacher to allow him to go to the clinic she refused to let him go and now he is dead!”

The daily newspaper reports that Superintendent Malcolm Thomas is doing his own investigation into his former high school into how the school administration handled the sexual assault. He needs to check this one out, too.
