Studer is crazy

If you really look at the commitments Quint Studer has made to make the Vince Whibbs, Sr. Community Maritime Park successful, you can only draw one conclusion: Quint Studer is insane.

  • He signs a 10-year lease for the stadium – which he personally guarantees and even buys a life insurance that has the City as the beneficiary.
  • He agrees to donate $2.25 million to UWF for the maritime museum. Studer had originally intended to give the money for the multi-use stadium, but the UWF donation will be matched by the state so it is a better use of the Studer money.
  • All profits from the team will be donated to CMPA (City agency). If there are no profits for the first five years, Studer will donate $250,000 each year.
  • If the team is sold, he will donate the profits to CMPA. BTW: Studer and his wife take no salary from the Pelicans.
  • He agrees to lease land in the park at fair market value and build $12 million office building, entirely at his own expense.
  • He commits to hold six conferences (I think it’s six) at the CMP conference center every year. Studer Group conferences average around 300 people each and attract the top health care professionals from around the country. They will be done in the off-season and help boost hotels, restaurants and shops.

Would anyone in this town be willing to step into Studer’s shoes? The problem is that this community has gotten so jaded that it can’t see a good deal for itself when it is presented.
