Rick's Blog

Surprise: Marty Donovan begs for lawsuit

The Pensacola City Council approved in the Committee of the Whole a new financing plan for the Community Maritime Park – 9-1.

According to the daily newspaper, the lone dissenter and long-time park opponent, Councilman Marty Donovan said, “”The master development agreement says we will not pledge any general revenue funds to it. To me, this flies directly in the face of the agreement.”

The master development agreement will have to be amended to secure the CMP bonds with non-ad valorem revenue streams – like the Energy Services revenue. However, the bonds will still be paid with CRA funds which is what the referendum was about.

Marty is really begging for someone – not him – to pay for a lawsuit. So sad.

Marty is ignoring that the voters in his district approved overwhelmingly the park referendum. He has an obligation to help make the park a reality, not undermine it.

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