Rick's Blog

Sustainable Development, Leveraging RESTORE

A presentation tomorrow evening will focus on sustainable development, and how such an approach can benefit local communities.

The presentation— entitled Sensible Sustainable Development: Leveraging RESTORE Act Funding to Create Lasting Value for the Pensacola Bay Area—will be made by Rebecca Flora, a certified planner and economic development finance professional who specializes in sustainable community development, strategy, evaluation and training. The information presented is intended to “inspire ideas and methods that local governments in the Pensacola Bay area may utilize in their approach to the RESTORE Act funding opportunity that lies ahead.”

This event will be held at the Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, and is being sponsored by IHMC along with Think Beyond and the U.S. Green Building Council Northern Gulf Coast Chapter. Auditorium seating is limited to the first 150 attendees.

For more details, visit http://www.usgbc-ngcc.com/Resources/Documents/Rebecca%20Flora%20Flyer.pdf. To pre-register, visit http://www.usgbc-ngcc.com/Default.aspx?pageId=435638&eventId=665202&EventViewMode=EventRegistration.

The IHMC is located at 40 S. Alcaniz St. This event runs from 5:30 to 7 p.m.

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