Rick's Blog

Suter PTA president writes

Dear Mr. Outzen,

My name is Sarah O’Toole and I am the current president of the AK Suter PTA. I have been reading the responses to the “soccer mom” blog and I am concerned about the information stated in your initial posting that states that the School Board told the PTA that the students would be sent to OJ Semmes. I have chaired every PTA meeting for this calendar year, and have never heard indication that the School Board plans to send our students to OJ Semmes. As a matter of fact, I spent a good deal of time last week trying to put down rumors of all kinds concerning our status.
I do not know where the information came from, but it is not true and I don’t believe that it came from an official PTA source. I would appreciate the correction of that statement on your blog in a conspicuous location so that it does not appear that our PTA Board has instigated this dialogue. We are currently working with our school board member and the superintendent’s office to inform our parents of real developments and plan on dealing with the issue of closure in a professional manner.
Thank you for your consideration.
Sarah L. O’Toole


RO note: The post actually says “The Suter Elementary School PTA has been told that the School District plans to close its school and relocate all the students to O.J. Semmes (off 12th Ave.).”
Later comments posted to the blog have corrected the “error” that it wasn’t Suter PTA that was told. In fact, it was a group of Suter parents who were told the school would be closed at a League of Women Voters meeting on Feb. 17.

I never wrote the School Board was the one making the statement.

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