Fear in county complex

“Rick, you know how vindictive Whitehead is. You just don’t know what he might do if he is removed from the chairmanship.” These are the…

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McCain dumps pastors

You would know it if the only TV news you watched was FOX News, but Sen. John McCain has problems with ministers, too. McCain on…

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McCain freed Cuba

Trying to get Cuban Americans to remember his role in the Spanish-American War, Sen. John McCain used the anniversary of Cuban independence from Spain to…

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IN Your Head Radio: LEO blog link

Today on IN Your Head Radio, I talked to Cary Stemle, the Editor of the Louisville Independent Paper LEO  about the Kentucky primary.  A source…

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McCain, Vietnam and Iraq

There is a very interesting article on GOP presidential hopeful, John McCain. It is well-written and worth taking the time to read – McCain Doctrines…

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Quote of the day

According to PNJ, from Escambia County Commission Chairman Mike Whitehead: I am not ashamed of the fact that I take money from anybody and everybody,…

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Edwards backs Obama

Former Sen. John Edwards endorsed Barrack Obama for president yesterday. I spoke with one Democratic national insider who believes Edwards will be Obama’s VP, not…

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Ron Paul Revolt

Across the blogosphere, there are reports that Ron Paul’s supporters are planning a revolt at the Republican National Convention. The LA Times reported yesterday Paul’s…

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BAM! Obama will win nomination

Total Delegates: Barrack Obama 1815 Hillary Clinton 1672 North Carolina (99%) Obama 887,186 Clinton 654,484 Indiana (95%) Clinton 606,497 Obama 589,888 Read: Obama claims big…

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New people will run

We are hearing several good candidates are considering runs at public office. School Board, County Commission, City Council and State House are the positions being…

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Government Budgeting for Dummies

In July 2007, we published our Ballsy Plan IV – Government Budgeting for Dummies I reviewed the article this morning and found we weren’t too…

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Miller’s wish list

Congressman Jeff Miller lists his funding requests that he has submitted to the House Appropriations Committee on his website. Okaloosa County does very well –…

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