Remembering 9/11/01

When the airliners crashed into the Twin Towers, we were having a sales meeting. The television was on CNN in another part of the office….

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Oops. Dick, you misjudged this one

From Meet the Press. March 16, 2003 VICE PRES. CHENEY: Now, I think things have gotten so bad inside Iraq from the standpoint of the…

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Obermann Blasts Bush

Last night, MSNBC host Keith Obermann blasted Pres. Bush on his show with Ground Zero in the background. It is the most scathing attack on…

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Debt of Honor – fictional 9/11 attack

After the 9/11 attack, several analysts made comparisons with Tom Clancey’s book ‘Debt of Honor.’ Here are excerpts from his book: “The irony of the…

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What the local military said on 9/12/01

IN editor Duwayne Escobedo wrote this article on the local military’s response to 9/11 for the 9/14/01 issue: A terrorist seizes a jumbo jet and…

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Quotes in Aftermath of 9/11

For our 9/14/01 issue, we called around the community for quotes. Here’s what we heard: “Look what happens when we let our guard down. It’s…

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9/11 Photos

We ran a special issue after the 9/11 tragedy. Here are few of the photos from the New York Times News Services that were in…

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9/11 – Picking up the pieces

Our A&E Editor Sam Baltrusis was in New York City when the planes crashed into the World Trade Center. A year later, he wrote for…

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9/11: Where were you?

On 9/11/01: I was in the Independent offices on Cervantes St.(next to Jerry’s Drive In) holding our daily sales staff meeting, when a staffer came…

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Graphic version of 9/11 Report

This is cool. Click here to read The 9/11 Report: A Graphic Adaptation by Sid Jacobson and Ernie Colón, which sets text from The 9/11…

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Rev. Fred Goes Off On Jon Stewart

Rev. Fred Phelps attacks Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert in this TV broadcasts. Rev. Fred Phelps is the pastor of the Westboro Baptist Church, based…

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Locals mount campaign against ABC 9/11 show

There is a local grassroot campaign being mounted against WEAR airing the ABC docudrama “Path to 9/11”. Here is one email being sent out among…

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