Posted in Business Health Care Battle

Baptist, Sacred Heart and Santa Rosa Medical will lose nearly $2.5 million under Scott LIP replacement plan

Governor Rick Scott is still going after hospitals. Of Pensacola’s three hospitals, West Florida Hospital is the only one that will benefit from his proposed…

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Posted in Politics

Darn – more competition for AHCA

Latest word on the secretary of Agency for Health Care Administration is state Sen. Durell Peaden now has the inside track. Both State Rep. Holly…

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Posted in Politics

Holly has competition

St. Pete Times article ( Everyone has input for Crist’s team ) lists Pensacola’s own Jerry Maygarden as a possible candidate for secretary of the…

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Posted in Politics

Future job for Holly possibly AHCA Secretary

Sources have revealed that the post for which local state Rep. Holly Benson is competing is Secretary of the Agency for Health Care Administration (ACHA)….

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