Boyd Forum: Citizens admonish empty chairs of MIA Pensacola mayor and administrator

Several citizens appeared the Boyd Forum held at the beginning of the Pensacola City Council on Thursday, May 12. Many wore red bands on their…

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Pensacola City Hall adds more files to ‘Transparent’ page on fire chiefs

On Tuesday, May 10, when the mayor’s office published the mayor’s decision to terminate Pensacola Fire Chief Matt Schmitt and Deputy Fire Chief Joe Glover,…

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Inside Fire Chiefs Report: Deas complaint, failed to follow union grievance process

Chief Human Resources Office Ed Sisson complained, “Schmitt and Glover intentionally and deceptively severely retaliated against Edward Deas, an African-American Fire Lieutenant, merely because Deas made…

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Inside Fire Chiefs Report: Drug test, questioned but taken, nothing improper found

Chief Human Resource Officer Ed Sisson also complained that “Glover improperly tried to obstruct a random drug test.” Beggs & Lane attorney Russell Van Sickle…

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Inside the Fire Chiefs Report: Sisson upset about dinner remarks, really?

Chief Human Resource Officer Ed Sisson claimed that Deputy Fire Chief Joe Glover publicly demeaned him during the Firefighters Annual Awards ceremony Beggs & Lane…

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Inside Fire Chiefs Investigation: Battalion chief raises, ‘blame to go around to all’

Chief Human Resources Officer Ed Sisson complained that “(Deputy Fire Chief) Glover and (Fire Chief) Schmitt handled raise requests for the battalion chiefs poorly, and…

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Inside Pensacola Fire Chiefs Report: Apprenticeship and BMW complaint ruled unfounded

Among Chief Human Resources Officer Ed Sisson’s six complaints was an allegation about Deputy Fire Chief Joe Glover and the Fire Apprenticeship Program: “Glover poorly…

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Inside Pensacola Fire Chiefs report: Jan 2016 was first time PFD handled hiring process without HR, but given no written protocols

Last night, I reviewed Exhibit VII that supports the section of Russell Van Sickles’ report regarding the first of six complaints that Chief Human Resource…

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Inside the Pensacola Fire Chiefs report: Unwritten hiring practice not followed by chiefs, but all applicants passed

According to the attorney Russell Van Sickle, the primary reason Chief Human Resource Officer Ed Sisson filed his complaints against Pensacola Fire Chief Matt Schmitt…

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Inside the Pensacola fire chiefs report: Only EEOC complaint filed by Glover released

In the report of his investigation of Fire Chief Matt Schmitt and Deputy Fire Chief Joe Glover, Russell Van Sickle devoted Section V to “Glover’s…

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Inside the report on Pensacola Fire chiefs: how the 25 years-plus careers of two firefighters ended in 98 days

Yesterday, Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward issued a press release announcing that he was terminating the employment of Fire Chief Matt Schmitt and Deputy Fire Chief…

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Pensacola fire chiefs terminated

Mayor Ashton Hayward has terminated Pensacola Fire Chief Matt Schmitt and Deputy Fire Chief Joe Glover. The Beggs & Lane report will be posted on…

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