State Veto List

Dave Murzin emailed over the pdf of Gov. Crist’s line-item vetoes. Read:  2007 veto list

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Crist vetoes $459-million from budget

Escambia & Santa Rosa Counties came out okay. Dave Murzin dropped by the office to tell us some of the items that were cut. The…

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Baptist call out Crist

The Florida Baptist aren’t happy with Gov. Charlie Crist’s efforts to expand gambling in the state. There is an editorial in Florida Baptist Witness attacking…

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Want to see the pork by county?

The Legislature has sent a $72 billion budget to the governor. Crist has line-item veto power to delete any items that he believes are pork….

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Is the Crist honeymoon almost over?

Gov. Charlie Crist approaches his 100th day in office Thursday, the “people’s governor” is surfing the wave of a approval rating of 73 percent, according…

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Crist approval rating

From Strategic Vision poll 3/9-11: Gov. Charlie Crist’s approval 61%/ disapproval 23% Bill Nelson: 52%/36% Mel Martinez: 44%/35% …..ties to Bush Administration are hurting him

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Crist State of The State address

Florida Gov. Charlie Crist gave his first “State of the State” address to the Florida legislature today. “We are in this room only because of…

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Crist websites

Gov. Charlie Crist has established to two websites that help fulfill two of his first 100 days initiatives: Open Government website that has the contact…

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Hopping back into the closet

The Palm Beach Post reported Friday (Click here to read) that Gov. Charlie Crist was recently set up with “a former actress who’ll be prominently…

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State property tax solutions have problems

Gov. Crist’s idea of doubling homestead exemptions has a heavy price tag for local governments – $608.6 BILLION.  He has already backtracked some and said…

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Crist agrees with Outzen

Gov. Charlie Crist is saying county and city governments are the problem with property taxes. They are spending too much money. “My obligation is not…

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Bense kicked off FSU board

Gov. Charlie Crist has decided to not go thru with Jeb Bush’s last minute appointment of former House Speaker Allan Bense to the Florida State…

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