Radical idea – invest in Pensacola

INVEST PENSACOLA This is a radical idea, one that really requires people thinking “outside of the box.” Why we don’t have the city pension funds…

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CMPA attorney comments on Bell ruling

Ed Fleming, who represented the Community Maritime Park Associates, has issued this statement on Judge Frank Bell’s ruled in favor of the CMPA: Judge Bell…

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CMPA wins Sunshine lawsuit

Circuit Judge Frank Bell has ruled in favor of the Community Maritime Park Associates in the lawsuit filed by LeRoy Boyd and Byron Keesler that…

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Lack of strong mayor hurts CMP negotiations

The representatives of Scott Davidson have sent out emails stating that Davidson and his company have answered all the information requests of the City and…

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Mack continues pushing on CMP

Council member Diane Mack plans to make a motion on the CMPA developer negotiations today at the Committee of the Whole: In a letter to…

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Judge Collier responds to Mack on CMP

Dear Diane: Please let me apologize for the delay in responding to your e-mail of last Sunday, but I just learned of it Tuesday afternoon…

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What are the open items on developer agreement?

CMPA consultant Owen Beitsch sent an email to the CMPA board listing these open items on the master developer agreement with Maritime Park Development Partners…

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Mack pushes for action on CMP

Pensacola City Council member Diane Mack has sent out this email: Lacey Collier, Chairman Community Maritime Park Association Board Dear Lacey, The progress of negotiations…

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Moby lacks facts to back o’pine

Today, PNJ columnist Mark O’Brien posted his analysis on the consulting fees that are being incurred to develop the master developer agreement. He makes a…

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Elebash bashes Maren DeWeese

The long-time critic of the Community Maritime Park, C.C. Elebash, is trying to quiet one of the strongest voices for getting the park built, Council…

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DeWeese questions Barker’s analysis

Pensacola City Council member Maren DeWeese is questioning the CMP financing analysis done by city finance director Dick Barker. She has four bullet points: *…

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City staff obligated to finance CMP

People and the news media are starting to question the proposal that Dick Barker, city’s finance director, quickly presented to the Pensacola City Council at…

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